Price for the operation of the system
Charging data processing, monitoring of the charging point functionality, technical support for the operator and customers, new functions within the system update about once every 3 months.
  • 10 EUR / charging point / year + 0,4 to 1,2 Cent / kWh
  • 0,02 / payment matching in the unichargepay system for all payment methods
(without VAT)
Platební metody:
  • Payment by credit - 0 Kč
  • Bank transfer - 0 Kč
  • QR payment - 0 Kč
  • Qerko - 0,95 Kč + 1,4 %
  • Paypal - 0,4 EUR + 3 %
  • Revolut - 0,04 EUR + 1 %
For business partners, manufacturers of charging stations and sockets or customers with more than 30 charging points the price is individual.